
Greg Koski MD, PhD

President and CEO, ACRES - Alliance for Clinical Research Excellence & Safety

Greg Koski PhD, MD, is President and CEO of ACRES. He is also Senior Scientist at the Institute for Health Policy and Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is internationally recognized in the realm of clinical research, research ethics and integrity, and human subject protection. As the first Director of the Office for Human Research Protections at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (OHRP), Dr. Koski championed a "culture of conscience" in human research, focusing on prevention of harm and quality improvement beyond mere regulatory compliance. He created a new Program for International Activities within OHRP, and collaborated with the World Health Organization to coordinate and strengthen global mechanisms for ethical conduct of human research. He has been influential in many efforts to enhance protection of human subjects including processes for accreditation of human research protections programs, certification of physician investigators and the formation of the an industry organization for contract research organizations, and the decision of the World Medical Association to clarify the intent and applicability of the Declaration of Helsinki regarding the use of placebos in clinical trials.


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